When it comes to dog’s feeding, people
think that the residues of theirs meals is enough, yet what’s great on
your plate might be dangerous for your dog. Today in this article about
the top 10 foods not to give your dog.
1. Coffee
Some dogs enjoy coffee, and some
irresponsible dog owners think that it’s cute to make their dogs to
finish their last inch of a cold Starbucks. But caffeine, whether in
coffee or soda, can be dangerous for a canine.
2. Ice Cream
Just like some humans,
many dogs have lactose intolerance. But even if your dog is okay with
milk, it’s not a good idea to give him a lot of sugar.
3. Chocolate
Most people have heard that chocolate is bad for dogs. A chemical called theobromine is what poses the danger. It is a stimulant and a diuretic that can cause abnormal heart rate, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, and even death.4. Alcohol
Alcohol is dangerous for dogs in the same ways that it is dangerous for humans. It effects the liver and brain causing many of the same setbacks we see in humans. It’s important to understand that it takes far less alcohol to put a dog’s health, and even its life, in danger.5. Macadamia Nuts
An unknown toxin in macadamia nuts can be dangerous to your dog. As few as six can cause symptoms such as vomiting, stiffness, and weakness.6. Onions and garlic
The onions and garlic in some sauces can damage a dog’s red blood cells. If your dog is given regular meals containing these bulbous plants – be it raw onions and garlic in mince meat, cooked leftovers, or the powdered and dehydrated variety often found in packaged foods – regular consumption can lead to haemolytic anemia.7. Mushrooms
Mushroom toxicity can be fatal if certain species of mushrooms are ingested. These can contain toxins that may affect multiple systems in your pet’s body leading to shock and eventually death. Clinical signs include abdominal pain, seizures, hallucinations, depression, vomiting, and diarrhea.8. Peaches, Plums, and Apricots
The pits in these stone fruits can obstruct your dog’s bowels. They also contain small amounts of cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs (and humans).9. Sugar
Even if the candy you feed your dog doesn’t contain chocolate, macadamia nuts, or Xylitol, sugar itself is no good for your dog. It can contribute to obesity and diabetes (which is, of course, why humans should avoid it as well).10. Raw Eggs
An enzyme present in raw eggs interferes with the absorption of a particular vitamin in dogs, which can cause skin or coat problems down the road. Raw foods also pose a risk of salmonella, as they do in humans.Finally, you must pay attention about the commercial food also, because it may contain substances of some nutrients which may be very harmful for your dog.
water droplets
- dropshot -
Hanging in there
Blue and yellow.
Uneasy Lies The Crown
Many Suns
A drop of leaves on a leaf
some prefer barbed wire
Water drop
Pepsi Water Drops
monkey see monkey do
Iris and water drops.
Water Drops 01
Scaley Skin Drops
Water Dot
The morning after rain
with pink waterdrops
Solar panel electricity systems, also known as solar photovoltaics (PV), capture the sun's energy using photovoltaic cells. These cells don't need direct sunlight to work – they can still generate some electricity on a cloudy day. The cells convert the sunlight into electricity, which can be used to run household appliances and lighting.
Watch our video on using solar PV to generate energy for your home, which focuses on two electricity-generating technologies for the home: wind turbines and solar PV.
The benefits of solar electricity
- Cut your electricity bills: sunlight is free, so once you've paid for the initial installation your electricity costs will be reduced.
- Get paid for the electricity you generate: the government’s Feed-In Tariffs pay you for the electricity you generate, even if you use it.
- Sell electricity back to the grid: if your system is producing more electricity than you need, or when you can't use it, you can sell the surplus back to the grid.
- Cut your carbon footprint: solar electricity is green, renewables energy and doesn't release any harmful carbon dioxide] or other pollutants. A typical home solar PV system could save over a tonne of carbon dioxide per year – that's more than 30 tonnes over its lifetime.
How do solar panels (PV) cells work?
PV cells are made from layers of semi-conducting material, usually silicon. When light shines on the cell it creates an electric field across the layers. The stronger the sunshine, the more electricity is produced. Groups of cells are mounted together in panels or modules that can be mounted on your roof.The power of a PV cell is measured in kilowatts peak (kWp). That's the rate at which it generates energy at peak performance in full direct sunlight during the summer. PV cells come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Most PV systems are made up of panels that fit on top of an existing roof, but you can also fit solar tiles.
Solar tiles and slates
Solar tiles are designed to be used in place of ordinary roof tiles. A system made up of solar tiles will typically cost around twice as much as an equivalent panel system, although you will save the money you would have spent on roof tiles or slates. Solar tile systems are not normally as cost-effective as panel systems, and are usually only considered where panels are not considered appropriate for aesthetic or planning reasons.
Costs, savings and maintenance
The average domestic solar PV system is 4kWp and on average costs between £6,000 and £7,400 (including VAT at 5%).Costs have fallen significantly over the last year. They vary between installers and products, so we recommend getting quotes from at least three installers. Guidance on finding an installer.Other factors that affect PV installation costs are:
- The more electricity the system can generate, the more it costs but the more it could save.
- Larger systems are usually more cost-effective than smaller systems (up to 4kWp).
- PV panels are all around the same price per kWp, but PV tiles cost much more than a typical system made up of panels.
- Panels built into a roof are more expensive than those that sit on top.
Green Deal finance and renewables
This technology is an eligible measure under the UK government’s Green Deal which is a financing mechanism that lets people pay for energy-efficiency improvements through savings on their energy bills.Further information on Green Deal.
A 4kWp system can generate around 3,700 kilowatt hours of electricity a year – roughly equivalent to a typical household's electricity needs. It will save nearly two tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.
System size
Savings per year
Carbon dioxide per year
| |
Registered up until 31st March 2014 | 4kWp | £770 | 1.8 tonnes |
Registered on and from 1st April 2014 | 4kWp | £750 | 1.8 tonnes |
If your system is eligible for the Feed-In Tariff scheme it could generate savings and income of around £770 a year if you register before 31st March 2014 (based on a 4kWp solar PV system eligible for a generation tariff of 13.52p/kWh). You will get paid for both the electricity you generate and use, and what you don't use and export to the grid. Find out more about how we made these calculations.
When applying for FITs you will need to show evidence of your property'sEnergy Performance Certificate and this will affect what tariff you can get.If you know your system size, you can get a tailored estimate for your system using our Solar Energy Calculator.Please note that the Feed-in Tariff scheme is not available in Northern Ireland.
Solar PV needs little maintenance – you'll just need to keep the panels relatively clean and make sure trees don't begin to overshadow them. In the UK panels that are tilted at 15° or more have the additional benefit of being cleaned by rainfall to ensure optimal performance. Debris is more likely to accumulate if you have ground mounted panels.If dust, debris, snow or bird droppings are a problem they should be removed with warm water (and perhaps some washing-up liquid or something similar – your installer can advise) and a brush or a high pressure hose (or telescopic cleaning pole) if the panels are difficult to reach.
Always be careful if you are working above the ground or near the top of a ladder. Alternatively, there are a number of specialist window cleaning companies who will clean solar PV panels for you at a cost (of around £30 based on our research in March 2012) depending on the size of your array and location. Many of these companies use a water fed pole system which does away with the need for a ladder.Once fitted, your installer should leave written details of any maintenance checks that you should carry out from time to time to ensure everything is working properly. This should include details of the main inverter fault signals and key trouble-shooting guidance. Ideally your installer should demonstrate this to you at the point of handover. Keeping a close eye on your system and the amount of electricity it’s generating (alongside the weather conditions) will familiarise you with what to expect and alert you to when something might be wrong.The panels should last 25 years or more, but the inverter is likely to need replacing some time during this period, at a current cost of around £1,000. Consult with your installer for exact maintenance requirements before you commit to installing a solar PV system.
Estos Muffins de chocolate y cardamomo los tenéis que probar, son muy fáciles de hacer y son una verdadera delicia para disfrutar en el desayuno o la merienda. Si hay que darse un capricho goloso, mucho mejor apostar por la repostería casera. Elegid el chocolate que más os guste para hacer esta receta, puede ser con leche, sin leche e incluso chocolate blanco, cualquiera armonizará bien con el cardamomo, ya sabéis que es una especia con un aroma y sabor muy particular.
Y sobre los muffins, aunque muchas veces se reclama que se denominen magdalenas, debemos recordar que no son lo mismo, es una receta con una masa similar, pero se trabaja menos, lleva menos cantidad de grasas y el contenido en azúcar también es inferior. Estos Muffins de chocolate y cardamomo no son nada empalagosos, y son más ligeros que otros tipos de dulces de repostería, aunque también hay que decir que el tamaño es mayor que el de magdalenas o cupcakes.
Ingredientes (4 uds. grandes)
140 gramos de harina, 7 gramos de levadura, 60 gramos de azúcar, una pizca de sal, 1 huevo (M), 125 gramos de leche evaporada,50 gramos de aceite de girasol, 1 c/c de cardamomo (las semillas del interior molidas), 75 gramos de chocolate con leche.
Tamiza la harina y ponla en un cuenco con la levadura, el azúcar y la pizca de sal. Mezcla el huevo batido con la leche evaporada, el aceite y el cardamomo. Incorpóralo al cuenco de la harina y mezcla con una espátula maryse o lengua, sin batir demasiado, simplemente que se integren los ingredientes.
Trocea el chocolate groseramente, también puedes utilizar gotas de chocolate. Incorpóralo a la masa de los muffins, cubre el cuenco y reserva en el frigorífico mientras precalientas el horno a 200º C, con calor arriba y abajo.
Cuando el horno esté caliente vierte la masa en los moldes elegidos, nosotros utilizamos estos vasitos de silicona. Colócalos en la bandeja del horno.
Hornea los muffins, colocando la bandeja a altura media, durante 20 minutos aproximadamente, hasta que se hayan dorado y al pinchar con un palillo, salga limpio.
Retira la bandeja del horno, deja que los muffins de chocolate pierdan un poco de calor y desmolda si las cápsulas o moldes no son de papel. Deja enfriar completamente sobre una rejilla.
¡Buen provecho!
While this treat makes a nice afternoon snack or a fun party food for a picnic or potluck, offering fresh fruit as a dessert option teaches kids that it doesn’t have to be filled with added sugar to still be a “treat!”
1 watermelon (8 to 10 inch round and 1 inch thick) slice, drained to remove excess moisture
1 cup strawberry preserves
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup sweetened shredded coconut
1 cup strawberry preserves
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup sweetened shredded coconut
Place the watermelon slice on a serving platter and cut into 6 wedges leaving them in the shape of a pizza. Spread the preserves over the watermelon and sprinkle the toppings over the top.
Serves 6.
1. Son Doong Cave, Vietnam
Image credits: National Geographic
Image credits: National Geographic
Image credits: National Geographic
The Son Doong cave in Vietnam is the largest currently known cave in the world. It is filled with countless wonders including isolated ecosystems, weather systems and geological formations. For more information, check out our post about Son Doong.
2. Ice Cave Near The Mutnovsky Volcano, Russia
Image credits: Denis Budko
Image credits: Florian Wizorek
Image credits: Florian Wizorek
Ice caves like these form in the glaciers surrounding the Mutnovsky Volcano in Russia. Some of them are formed by vents that release volcanic heat and gases called fumaroles.
3. Naica Mine, Mexico
Image credits: nicole_denise
Image credits: nicole_denise
The Naica Mine caves in Mexico are home to some of the largest crystals ever seen. The Crystal Cave, where these crystals are located, is closed to the public because of its depth, heat and other issues. However, plenty of pictures have been taken to document this monumental crystal cavern.
4. Vatnajokull Glacier Cave, Iceland
Image credits: orvaratli
Image credits: Einar Runar Sigurdson
Image credits: skarpi
This cave is located in Iceland’s Vatnajokull Glacier, the largest glacier in Europe. Caves like these form due to melting glacial icewater, but they can be dangerous because glaciers are constantly breaking and changing.
5. Batu Caves, Malaysia
Image credits: Danny Xeero
The Batu Caves in Malaysia have been used by English and Chinese settlers as well as the indigenous Temuan people. The bat guano in the cave was mined for agricultural purposes, but now the cave is filled with statues and is open to visitors.
6. Mendenhall Glacier Cave, USA
Image credits: Kent Mearig
This ice cave is part of the Mendenhall Glacier near Juneau, Alaska. The spectacular cave was carved out of the glacier by melting icewater. Due to the ever-changing conditions at glaciers, it is unclear whether this cave will still be around for long.
7. Cave in Algarve, Portugal
Image credits: Bruno Carlos
The Algarve region in Portugal, where this cave is located, is prone to various seaside formations because of the rock face’s relative solubility in water. This specific cave near Lagos is accessible only by water.
8. Glowworms Cave, New Zealand
Image credits: waitomo.com
Image credits: waitomo.com
Image credits: waitomo.com
The Waitomo glowworm caves in New Zealand are home to a unique insect – the glowworm. This insect hangs glistening silken strands from the ceiling of the cave and glows to attract unsuspecting prey. To read more about this fascinating and unique ecosystem, check out our post about the Waitomo caves.
9. Tham Lod Cave, Thailand
Image credits: John Spies
Image credits: John Spies
The Nam Lang river runs through the Tham Lod cave in northern Thailand. The cave is filled with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites and is home to hundreds of thousands of Pacific swifts that have adapted to spend parts of their lives in caves.
10. Kyaut Sae Cave, Myanmar
Image credits: Leopard
Very little is known about this cave in Kyaut Se, Myanmar, other than that the inside has been fitted as a Buddhist temple.
11. Marble Caves, Patagonia
Image credits: Edison Zanatto
Image credits: kellywhite
The Marble Caves in Patagona are known for the spectacular reflections that the turquoise water casts on the white marble ceiling of the cave. They are also called the Marble Cathedral because of their beautiful and arching forms.
12. Antelope Canyon, USA
Image credits: wikipedia.org
Image credits: Greg Boratyn
Antelope Canyon in Arizona was carved out by thousands of years of persistent wind and flash floods, which is why its smooth walls look so smooth and fluid. During the desert’s monsoon season, dangerous flash floods can occur without warning from rains that have fallen miles away. These flash floods have taken the lives of quite a few unwary tourists.
13. Phraya Nakhon Cave, Thailand
Image credits: Georgi Iashvili
Image credits: Wasitpol Unchanakorrakit
The Phraya Nakhon Cave in Thailand was historically a popular visiting place for local kings because of the illumination provided by the collapsed roofs. The pavilion in the center was built for the visit of King Chulalongkorn in 1890.
14. Ellison’s Cave, USA
Image credits: secondglobe.com
This is the Fantastic Cave pit, part of Ellison’s Cave in Georgia, U.S.A. It is a popular attraction for pit cavers – those who enjoy rappelling down vertical subterranean drops.
15. Reed Flute Cave, China
Image credits: Peter Stewart
Image credits: Pasquale di Pilato
The Reed Flute Cave in Guangxi, China has been visited by tourists for at least 1200 years. The cave is home to a spectacular array of stalagmites and stalactites. It is named for the reeds that grow at its mouth, which can be made into flutes.
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